2025/26 NWR Builders Exchange Scholarship Application
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Have you received an email from us saying, “Your NWRBX Membership Expires in 60 (30) Days”? Here’s a little explanation…


Just a reminder since approximately one-third of our membership received a notice via email of their upcoming renewal date with us last week.  These notices are sent out 60 days prior and 30 days prior.  The email will look something like this: NORTHWEST REGIONAL BUILDERS EXCHANGE Your membership will expire on 01/01/2025. Please follow this link and renew online. Dues can be paid by clicking on...


NWR Builders Exchange Seeks Office Space


NWR Builders Exchange Seeks Office Space Our lease for our current office space will expire in September of 2026 and our landlord has chosen not to extend it.  Now this may seem like a long ways away, but we are starting to think about it now.  Our landlord has also allowed us to break the lease should we find something earlier than September 2026.  Preferably, I would like to see us have some...


Online Plan Availability


We have had some inquiries recently in regards to plans being available on our website.  There are a couple of things to keep in mind: If a plan is advertised on our website, plans and specs WILL be available.  We do NOT advertise plans that we do not have access to bidding docs. We publish our weekly bulletin every Wednesday.  On Tuesdays & Wednesdays, in order to publish all of the plans that...


Please Excuse a Proud Grandma Taking Up a Little Space


It was recently brought to my attention that I had not updated my piece about my daughter’s due date being around the golf outing date.  Well, we all managed to avoid the golf outing date so by the time of the outing all was settled down.  And although I had not forgotten about my granddaughter, I had forgotten how much she may have affected the golf outing. Meet Korraline Kaaj Ntug Yang.   This...


Pondering on Printing Plans from Your Executive Director


Last month, I celebrated my 29th anniversary with the Northwest Regional Builders Exchange. Many things have changed in those 29 years (including our name and my hair color!). Contractors who have not been in our office for a few years, come in now and look at our plan rack and think we aren’t busy because we don’t have plans hanging as far as the eye can see. We are still busy. In fact, our...
