2025/26 NWR Builders Exchange Scholarship Application
Join the Northwest Regional Builders Exchange | NWRBX

Become a Member

Join the Northwest Regional Builders Exchange

Thank you for your interest in joining the Northwest Regional Builders Exchange! Our organization is made up of over 380 member-companies.

When you join the Builders Exchange the below services are all available to you along with any assistance we may be able to provide from time to time. Membership costs just $470 per year along with a $50 set-up fee.  Set up fee is being waived through April 15, 2025.  Your membership will begin immediately upon receipt of your payments; you will also be mailed a membership directory at this time. The set-up and initiation fee will only apply to members who have let their membership lapse more than 60 days or to new members.

Interested in checking out the Northwest Regional Builders Exchange? Take a test-drive with our Free Trial Membership.

Click here for more information

Click here for a printable .pdf membership application



NWRBX Member Benefits

NWBRX Weekly Bulletin
Our weekly bulletin which contains information on construction projects description/location/bid due dates, bidders lists, building permits for the city & county of Eau Claire, and bid tabulations and awards. One weekly bulletin is issued with membership. Advertising is also available for purchase to our members in our weekly electronic bulletin. No bulletins are mailed to members.


NWRBX Plan Room
Our plan room: Plans & Specs are available for estimating in the plan room during office hours (Monday through Thursday 8-5; Friday 8-4). We have a fax machine, two copy machines and a digital blue print copier available for members' use at a minimal cost. Reference materials found in our plan room include Sweet's catalogs, Thomas Registers, Chippewa Valley Directory, maps, Wisconsin Business Directory, Daily Reporter and other Builders Exchange directories. Notary public service available.


NWRBX Social Events
Social Events: Throughout the year, you'll be invited to social events that give members a chance to meet and discuss current issues. Presently these events consist of Annual Banquet/Meeting (January), Golf Outing (August), & Casino Night (February).



NWRBX Membership Directory
Membership Directory: Printed yearly, our directory is broken into four sections: an alphabetical listing of our members, Service Guide (a categorical listing of our members), General Contractors, and Architects/Engineers.  As a member you receive a copy of the directory with one listing in the service guide (additional listings are $10/year).


NWRBX Website
Website: In September 1999 we joined the cyber world by going online with our website, located at www.nwrbx.com. All plans and specs are available on our site at no additional cost to our members.



Exchange Online Access

The Northwest Regional Builders Exchange Web Site has been online for our members since September 1, 1999. In the past, an additional charge was accessed for the Exchange Online portion of our site. In October of 2000 the NWR Builders Exchange Board of Directors decided to offer Exchange Online to all members at no additional charge - simply another benefit as a member of the NWR Builders Exchange.

Although there will not be a charge for our members to use Exchange Online, you will be required to have a username and password. Any employee of a NWR Builders Exchange member may use this username/password. Our only request is that you do not allow any other company to use this username/password. Please remember that although this is no additional charge for this benefit, it is meant for NWR Builders Exchange members only. If you have questions regarding usernames/passwords please contact Dawn at (715) 834-2934. 

If you are interested in using Exchange Online please select one of the options below to join:

Please send all printed applications to:
NWR Builders Exchange
2228 N. Hillcrest Pkwy, Ste. 2
Altoona, WI  54720

Contact Us with any further questions about our Builders Exchange