Form 990 is Available For Viewing in Our Office
Internal Revenue Code Section 6104(d)(1)(A)(ii) requires that Form 990 should be made available for public inspection during regular business hours at the organization’s principal office. The return must also be available for public inspection at any regional or district offices having three or more employees. Inspection of this return must be allowed for three years from the due date (05-15-25). The inspection requirement applies to all portions of the return except for the names and addresses of any contributors to the organization. The inspection requirement also applies to our application for tax exempt status (Form 1023 or 1024) and the Internal Revenue Service determination letter approving exempt status.
Form 990 is available for our member’s inspection in our office at 2228 N. Hillcrest Pkwy, Altoona, WI Monday through Thursday 8-5, and Friday 8-4.