#183 Menomonie UW Stout GPC Bidding 3/25 - Plan info 2025/26 NWR Builders Exchange Scholarship Application

69th NWR Builders Exchange Annual Meeting



Where: our office at 2228 N. Hillcrest Pkwy, Altoona

When: Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Social Hour-Appetizers/Beverages: 4:30 ~ 5:15 pm

Meeting: 5:15 ~ 6:00 pm

Door Prizes: Following the meeting

Grand Prize: $200 Visa Card

Once again, we will be hosting an open house with a casual friendly atmosphere, hoping to accommodate our member’s busy schedules.  Our By-Laws requires us to host an Annual Meeting so that our members can ask questions, observe our office spaces, look over our (their) annual budget, etc.  We invite you to this event to do any or all of the above.  And if you are unable to attend we will have any of the materials from the meeting available for you to view.  This is your Builders Exchange and you are welcome to see all of that.

Our meeting will include presentation of a $500 our seven scholarship award winners:

Brittney Wiles (daughter of Ben Wiles, Northwest WI Refrigeration) of Ladysmith who is attending UW Stout; Rorie Boettcher (daughter of Christopher Boettcher, Market & Johnson) of Chippewa Falls who is attending UW Stout; Kylee Sedlacek (daughter of Serena Richardson, Market & Johnson) of Bloomer who is attending North Dakota State University;  Addie Christopherson (daughter of Tim Christopherson, NEI Electric) of Prairie Farm who is attending UW Stout; Gabriel Martin (son of Jeff Martin, MCL Companies) of Eau Claire who is attending UW Stout; Nathan Hansen (son of Gary Hansen, Hansen Land Contractors; and Rebecca Abramczak (employee of Hixwood Metal) of Thorp who is attending UW Stevens Point.

We will be honoring our outgoing board member(s) and inducting any newly elected board member(s) (all dependent on our election which closes December 15), reviewing the past year and presenting our 2024 Annual budget for all of our members’ review. 

*-Have a question about how YOUR Builders Exchange operates?  ATTEND!-*

*- Have a suggestion for our staff?  ATTEND!*

*- Not sure how to use our website?  ATTEND!-*

*-Members are invited to donate door prizes-*

 *-There is no charge for this event-*

*-Reservations are not necessary-*

However, if you could let us know how many from your company will be attending,

it would help us greatly in planning.

Phone: 715-834-2934 Fax: 715-834-3590 E-Mail: info@nwrbx.com



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